Monday - Thursday, 9 AM to 6 PM *
Call us now 303-335-0062
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Current Address, City, Zip Code
If you have any of the following symptoms, you’d need to go to an Emergency Room:
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion
Inability to wake or stay awake
Bluish lips or face
Decrease in urine output or inability to keep fluids down because of vomiting
Severe lightheadness or fainting
Swelling in one or both legs
Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the Past? YesNoExplain
Do you have a pending COVID-19 test? YesNoExplain
Have you received influenza immunization this year? YesNoExplain
Over the Past 2 weeks, have you been in contact with someone with known or suspicious COVID-19 infection? YesNoExplain
Have you over the past month traveled overseas or to any area with high number of people infected by COVID-19? YesNoExplain
Over the past 2 weeks have you experienced any of the following symtoms or do you currently have any of the listed symptoms?
Fever or Chills YesNoExplain
Cough YesNoExplain
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing? YesNoExplain
Muscle or body ache? YesNoExplain
Headache YesNoExplain
Fatigue? YesNoExplain
New Loss of Taste or Smell? YesNoExplain
Sore Throat? YesNoExplain
Congestion or Runny nose? YesNoExplain
Nausea or Vomiting? YesNoExplain
Diarrhea? YesNoExplain
Lightheadness with standing? YesNoExplain
Have you tried any treatment? YesNoExplain
Do you have any chronic medical conditions like Cancer, Diabetes, HTN, Heart, Lung, Kidney, Low Immune system, or Liver disease? YesNoExplain
Do you have any allergies to any medications? YesNoExplain
Do you take any medication on regular basis? YesNoExplain
Do you smoke? YesNoExplain
Oxygen Level, if known
Temperature, if known